Antidote for morphine
Antidote for morphine

antidote for morphine

Reduced cardiac contractility and hypotension, widened QRS predisposing to VT

antidote for morphine

Serotonin reuptake inhibitors may increase tricyclic levels in plasma and Non-accidental poisoning should be considered.Įg. Patient whose developmental age is inconsistent with accidental poisoning as Should be intubated, ventilated and be given charcoal Underlying cardiac or neurological disease Senior advice and discuss with a toxicologist. If TCA poisoning is suspected, please seek Have pharmacological activity equal to that of the parent drug eg. Metabolism in the liver, TCA metabolites are renally excreted. Within an hour of ingestion and most within 6 hours, however can have unpredictableĪbsorption and half-life due to the anticholinergic effect causing delayed Have their toxic effects through action at 4 main receptors involving Presentations are from an acute ingestion however chronic poisoning can also present Patients have the potential to deteriorate quickly. Its most serious effects are cardiovascular and CNS Therapeutic window so can be fatal at relatively lower doses and single tabletįatalities have been reported. (TCA) are one of the common causes of a fatal drug overdose. Neurological instability including CNS depression and seizuresĪlkalinisation with Sodium Bicarbonate may be neededįor 24 hour advice, contact the Victorian Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26 Background Poisoning - Acute guidelines for initial management Use of activated charcoal in poisonings Serotonin toxicity Anticholinergic Syndrome Febrile Seizures Key pointsĬardiac instability including arrhythmias and reduced cardiac contractility and

Antidote for morphine