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  • - Disabled a floating shrub near Scout Tower.
  • - Jespar might not get close enough to his target marker after being escorted by the Aged Man, and the scene did not progress.
  • - Corrected Rocio's headtracking during Sirius' execution.
  • - Script, making Redrick Borecut and Pyalas Nay'Darim non-essential, might fail to trigger, making him immortal.
  • - Ryneus had male eye morphs for his female eyes.
  • - Corrected Esme's idles near Frostcliff Tavern - she now reads the journal you give her and correctly warms hands at the fire.
  • - In orphanage, Tharael no longer jumps again when he says he wants to sleep.
  • - An error in Vagabond's Saddle script allowed to infinitely increase horse's speed.
  • - Dark Keeper affinity Entropic Craze effect from "increases the magnitude of entropy spells by 25%" to "increases entropy damage and damage done by summoned weapons by 25%".
  • The german description stated that it only increases entropy damage, which was also wrong.
  • (this excluded all summoning spells and summoned weapon damage)
  • It actually just increased the magnitude of all entropy spells.
  • Dark Keeper affinity Entropic Craze description stated that it increases your damage by 25%.
  • - Shadow Dancer Affinity replaced the bugged effect with +10% increased sneak attack damage.
  • - Thought Planting actually increases only the maximum level of psionic spells (instead of just increasing magnitude of all psionic spells).
  • - Panic, Provoke spells and Hysteria Scroll have proper sound files (instead of firebolt sounds).
  • - Bloodlust and Dual Flurry stack with qyranian stance.
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    - Dragons receive full damage from non-player sources.- Updated a change made to bound daggers.- Reverted an unintentional damage change to Black Widow's Elegy.The flat damage increase was completely unbalanced, inconsistent with other similiar perks and wasn't displayed in the apparition menu.- Phasmalist: Focus Violence flat melee damage reworked to a weapon skill increase.- Wolf Claws magic menu description fixed (claw damage is not depending on stamina/mana).- Wolf Breath magic menu description fixed (stamina bonus is also depending on stamina) (GERMAN VERSION ONLY).- Wolfblood potion description fixed (claw damage is not depending on stamina/mana).- Lycanthrope: Wolf Blood perk description fixed (max duration of wolf potion on this tier is actually 90 seconds and not 3 minutes).- Fixed Righteous Path weapon blueprint descriptions (they stated "Handicraft 55" but require 50).- Iron War Axe forged variant fixed value.- Dragons/Myrads are no longer affected by Shadowtongue Oil.- Corpse Explosion animation now affects more humanoid races.

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  • - General goods vendors now buy and sell jewelry and soulgems (many of them had them in their inventory but couldn't sell them).
  • - Hood of the Rhalâim added weight and value.
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    While these cause Arcane Fever, the amount of fever is lessened compared to using it on yourself. They cannot use healing potions but you can use Light Magic spells to heal them in combat. After: Apparitions regenerate their health out of combat.Use the spells of the Light Magic to heal them.

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    Before: Apparitions do not regenerate health themselves and cannot use healing potions.- Changed a loading screen that had outdated information:.- Fixed spellbook values from books that had identical value to other ranks: (e.g.- Player crafted Aeterna Curaiss now has the correct value (from 270 to 1400).- Lycanthrope finishing moves ONLY happen if the player kills the last enemy in combat.- MQ07 Mage Boss no longer has 40% shock resistance (this was caused by unlootable boots that he wears).- Crystal Widow Boss now has proper sound files, no longer poisons but deals lightning damage with melee attacks, is more likely to melee attack.- Fixed the Affinity descriptions that were modified in Bug Fixes.

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  • - Affinity: Soulcaller now properly grants 5 points of Alchemy and Enchanting.

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