Tengami wiiu review
Tengami wiiu review

tengami wiiu review
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  2. Tengami wiiu review full#
  3. Tengami wiiu review download#

Unfortunately, it is here that Nyamyam either got too clever or simply made a misstep in creating obtuse puzzles that involve not so much head-scratching logic as trial-and-error, demarcated by arduously long walking sequences between points of interest just aren’t fun. I could easily use it as sleep-inducing underscore, a perfect app for winding down.īut let’s flip back a few pages to the matter of the solving of puzzles: A Riddle Inside an Enigma Wrapped in a Pop-up Book It isn’t unlikely that you will launch the game and find you simply gaze away, swept up in the soothing reverie of it all. The music is superb – a blend of Japanese traditional and contemporary electro infusion. The design in this respect isn’t ideal as it doesn’t necessarily challenge sound logic so much as it requires that the player test possibilities, but again, the act of discovery and exploration appears to be what is on offer here. The elements in the game that can be interacted with offer you a faint, pulsing circle prompt, though puzzles can be matters of throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.

tengami wiiu review

This however, does eventually become tedious, in spit of its brilliant architecture. Having spoken with the devs, I know they endeavored to replicate the physics of real hardcopy pop-ups, and the result is startlingly fresh. This soporific pace is certainly intentional this idea of back and forth, just like a pop-up book wherein you read through it once and then go back and marvel at the architecture of the folded cardboard. This may be difficult for many at first, as you have no option but to observe as your avatar paces the whole way between points to which you direct it via double taps – an effect that is only exacerbated by the fact that the design often requires you to fold back to areas you have already traversed. The game instantly slows down the world around you, drawing you into its languorous and deliberately meditative tempo. What they have finally delivered, is an exquisite experience that showcases the true potential and beauty of not only the platform but game development as a whole.

tengami wiiu review

To call Tengami a puzzler or a platformer, however, is to severely understate the achievement in design that NyamYam has painstakingly refined over the years since we first interviewed them.

Tengami wiiu review Patch#

Hopefully Fuzzy Wuzzy Games can patch this issue, as it holds back what is otherwise a great addition to the Wii U eShop.We first discovered Tengami at IndieCade 2012, where several ex-pats from the Microsoft-published studio that brought you Kinect Sports offered passersby an iPad to try out their Japanese art inspired pop-up book puzzle platformer. While the graphics are beautiful and deserve their own recognition, the framerate drops hinder the experience to a small degree. The technical side of things however, is hit or miss in terms of quality.

Tengami wiiu review download#

Throw in even more unlockable 2D levels (accessible after clearing three 2D levels from each world), Medals awarded after every stage and all of the secret collectables, and you have a game which can last upwards of ten hours for completion.Īrmillo certainly boasts a hefty game beneath the fairly low price, as evidenced by the hefty download size largely due to the extensive soundtrack found in the game. These levels incorporate a strict timer, a 2D level design and a double jump maechanic, adding greatly to the already acceptable level of content. Each item serves its purpose in the long run as the game has a near perfect difficulty curve and help is greatly appreciated in the latter levels, which become fairly challenging.īesides the main story, there are also extra platforming levels to unlock one for every level in the main game, minus boss battle levels. Scattered throughout the levels are also optional objects to pick up, mainly currency to use in the Shop and Critters to save from the invading Darkbots. Each manages to incorporate at least one unique idea, from slippery ice to disappearing platforms, and really shows the amount of care put into Armillo. The layout of branching pathways, boost pads, power-ups (mainly in the form of shape shifiting changes to Armillo) and enemies is all very well executed providing an engaging and fun level design was clearly on the top of the list for Fuzzy Wuzzy Games.Īcross each of the Worlds you'll tackle around two dozen of these 3D platforming levels, and not any one of them is a let down. However, this is where the similarities end as Armillo has a much more strict path to follow on his adventure, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Tengami wiiu review full#

Armillo the armadillo inhabits a world full of unique 3D planets, and is similar to Super Mario Galaxy in that you can maneuver yourself to completely explore the planet.

Tengami wiiu review